WebSphere Commerce 7 | Management Center | Failed to update/insert Catgroup information from Management Centre

I did some data cleanup activity in my local database for catgroups and after that, I was not able to perform any Catgroup data updates from Management Center. It is throwing the following exception in the console,

[2/5/14 17:11:46:498 IST] 00000039 servlet       E com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper service SRVE0068E: Uncaught exception created in one of the service methods of the servlet /jsp/commerce/catalog/restricted/GetCatalogEntryOfferPrice.jsp in application WC. Exception created : com.ibm.websphere.servlet.error.ServletErrorReport: com.ibm.commerce.price.facade.client.PriceListException
    at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageContextImpl.java:693)
    at com.ibm._jsp._GetCatalogEntryOfferPrice._jspService(_GetCatalogEntryOfferPrice.java:371)
    at com.ibm.ws.jsp.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:99)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:831)

Later, realized few Out of Box entries of CATGROUP & CATGRPTPC was also got deleted as part of cleanup activity. After inserting the missing entries, It started working fine,   
insert into catgroup(catgroup_id, member_id, identifier, markfordelete) values (0, 0, 'group0', 0);
insert into catgrptpc(catalog_id, catgroup_id, tradeposcn_id, store_id) values (10001, 0, 10001, 10051);
insert into catgrptpc(catalog_id, catgroup_id, tradeposcn_id, store_id) values (10001, 0, 10101, 10151);

WebSphere Commerce 7 | Storfront | HTTPS pages are showing blank page

I was playing around WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 8 features and as part of it, I have published Aurora B2B Store. On the day, I have published it, StoreFront used to work fine and later, only pages related to HTTP are coming up fine and for HTTPS pages, it just shows the blank page. I have noticed, the requests are not reaching the Webserver too.

Later, noticed the HTTPS Port (443) is getting used by another application and it is the reason for my HTTPS WebSphere Commerce Storefront pages are not coming. I have updated the other application's port number instead of 443. After WCS Server restart, it is working fine.

In my case, after WebSphere Commerce installation, I have installed VMWare Workstation and it hijacked Port 443. After updating the Port number of VMWare Workstation, my application is coming up fine.

Windows command to check the applications running on a specific port number,
netstat -aon | findstr :443

Refer the following link to update VMWare Workstation port number,

Thanks Rajesh Sripathi for your idea in resolving this issue or else, I might have beat my head looking into multiple areas to find the root cause.

Thought of posting this simple issue & resolution so that, you might help you and your way is WCS :)

My Writings........

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