Detailed description of all these projects/modules,
- CommerceAccelerator
- It holds the Commerce Accelerator assets. If you wanted to create/modify Commerce Accelerator related assets, you can add/update in this web module.
- This Commerce Accelerator Console opens in Internet Explorer only and this browser has completely deprecated now. Now, you can start using Management Center, which has integrated with Commerce Accelerator functionalities as well.
- commerceue-app
- You can relate this project/module to xC extension points implementation.
- If you wanted to add any customization implementation of xC extension points, you can add related Java, XML and properties file.
- The module is under commerceue-ear EAR.
- commerceue-ear
- You can relate this project/module to xC extension points implementation.
- This project includes the libraries that are required for build time. It contains the commerceue-app bundled as a .war file for deployment. The enterprise archive (EAR) for externalized customization application which runs on Customization server.
- crs
- This project/module holds the Store configuration files. It doesn’t hold JSPs or Static Content files and it holds only configuration files like Jars, properties, XMLs etc) for the newly implemented projects in HCL Commerce 9x.
- It holds the store configuration files related to newly implemented or rewritten projects in HCL Commerce v9x. Simple migrated projects from WCS 7x/8x to HCL Commerce 9x doesn’t have any store configuration files in these projects. These migrated project related Store configuration files will be available in Stores Project.
- crs-web
- This project/module holds the Store Assets like JSPs, Static Content, Spring configuration, customized REST templates and customized store application configuration files for the newly implemented projects in HCL Commerce 9x.
- It holds the Store assets related to newly implemented or rewritten projects in HCL Commerce v9x. Simple migrated projects from WCS 7x/8x to HCL Commerce 9x doesn’t have any store configuration files in these projects. These migrated project related Store configuration files will be available in Stores Project.
- LOBTools
- It holds the Management Center/LOB Tools assets. If you wanted to create/modify Management Center related assets, you can add/update in this web module.
- OrganizationAdministration
- Customize the Organization Administration console by creating and modifying assets in this web module.
- This Organization Administration Console opens in Internet Explorer only and this browser has completely deprecated now. Now, you can start using Management Center, which has integrated with Organization Administration Console functionalities as well.
- Rest
- Customize REST services by creating or modifying assets in this module.
- search-config-ext
- The project contains customized search configuration files. It doesn’t contain any search customization implementation code.
- search-ear
- The enterprise archive (EAR) for search application which runs on search server.
- search-logic-ext
- The module is under search-ear EAR file and contains search customization implementation code.
- SiteAdministration
- Customize the Site Administration console by creating and modifying assets in this web module.
- Stores
- This project/module holds the Store Assets like JSPs, Static Content and Configuration files for the migrated projects from WCS 7x/8x to HCL Commerce 9x.
- Newly implemented projects in HCL Commerce 9x, it is recommended to use crs & crs-web modules instead of Stores.
- WC
- Enterprise archive (EAR) for the HCL Commerce application.
- WebServicesRouter
- Create custom web services in this web project.
- WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData
- Create custom enterprise beans in this module. Initially, this EJB module contains a simple stateless session bean.
- WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsLogic
- Create custom Java classes in this project. Initially, this Java project is empty.
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